What are laboratory-grown diamonds?
Laboratory-grown diamonds are REAL diamonds. They have essentially the same chemical, optical and physical properties and crystal structure as Earth-grown diamonds...in other words, laboratory-grown diamonds have the same DNA as Earth-grown diamonds and thus are real diamonds. They respond to light in the same way and are just as hard. The main differences between laboratory-grown and Earth-grown diamonds are where they grow and the length of time needed before harvesting can occur: one grows in the Earth over billions of years and the other in a laboratory in as little as 6 weeks. Think of it this way: laboratory-grown diamonds are like ice from your refrigerator, while Earth-grown diamonds are like ice from a glacier. They are both ice, although their formation stories and the age of each are very different.
How are these diamonds grown?
These diamonds are grown in a special capsule within a laboratory using high-pressure and high temperatures mimicking the natural process used to create diamonds grown within the Earth. This process requires a tiny piece of an Earth-grown diamond and it's carbon, in essence - the diamond seed, which is placed within the capsule’s chamber and over time, while being constantly under pressure and heat of temperatures between 1300-1600°C, the seed grows. The longer the diamond seed remains under these conditions, the larger the diamond will grow. For even more information on lab grown diamonds, read our blog post on the subject here: